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Know more about Abundana…

Abundana – Institute for Self-Management

We are passionate about self-management and motivation. We are particularly interested in moments of transition, when we need a new attitude, a new mindset and a new set of behaviour.


Unlike self-management, self-discipline is tiresome, unreliable and does not work in the long run as neuroscience and motivation psychology show us today. There are much better ways to change our attitude and our behaviour.


At Abundana, we focus on approaches how you can, adopt a new attitude with which you can deal better with the requirements of your daily life and improve your level of contentment easily and efficiently. We impart this knowledge through training, coaching, talks and courses.


The Abundana Approach

At Abundana we are particularly interested in self-management, especially in moments of transition when we need

- a new attitude

- a new mindset

- a new way of action


Unlike self-management, self-discipline is tiresome, unreliable and does not work in the long run as neuroscience and motivation psychology show us today.



What is the Meaning of Abundana?

Abundana is made up of two words:


  • the English word "abundance"

  • and the Persian word "dana" (دانا), which means "wise". It is used for people who have a lot of experience and knowledge.


In our courses and coaching we show you how you can benefit from the abundant source of knowledge of your own unconscious. This way you can make better decisions and achieve goals that you have striven for without success so far.


Beat Edelmann

The Founder of Abundana

Beat Edelmann has acquired extensive professional experience and accomplished diverse levels of education. At the University of Fribourg, he obtained his Master's degree in social work and economics and in 2015 he received the federal diploma for web project management. He worked for private companies, non-profit organizations and in public administration, on Swiss and international levels. He is a known specialist in coaching, training, online marketing, communication and project management.


Training and Coaching Expertise

Beat Edelmann acquired the Swiss Federal PET Diploma as trainer. He has a part-time assignment as trainer and teaches communication to Swiss men making a civilian instead of a military service. Since 2016 he has had his own business as a trainer and a coach. Recently he has completed several courses successfully:



Due to his multilingualism he can train and coach people in the following languages:


  • English

  • French

  • German


His work is mainly based on the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM®), which is a highly efficient approach that has been developed at the Institut für Selbstmanagement und Motivation (ISMZ), a spin-off of the University of Zurich. Furthermore he is qualified to offer the PSI personality test of the University of Osnabrück to his clients.


Our Principles

Everyone has the possibility to shape and change their life to be more content. Goals can be reached easily when they fit the person. This is the case when they are based on the unique wealth of experience of the person.


We are convinced (as the ZRM approach does) that every individual has the maximum faculty to know themselves what is needed so that they can develop themselves in a good way. Every person has an inner instance that knows what fits and what does not fit them. As ZRM is based on this fundamental idea it cannot be used to manipulate others.


In order to give up old habits and acquire new behaviour patterns, you definitvely need the appropriate inner attitude which one can find only for themselves. Motivation that comes from the outside does not have a long-lasting effect.


Goals that define a concrete behaviour, like SMART goals, are often not very motivating. The ZRM has developed a new goal type called motto goals, which describe an attitude. You can only find the motivation and the energy to change your attitude and in consequence your behaviour with your self-chosen motto goal.


Our Vision

The results from today's neuroscience and motivation psychology help us to understand inner processes better and we can use this knowledge to change our way of thinking and acting. At Abundana we like to pass on this knowledge and we strive to keep up our knowledge in these fields up-to-date.


ZRM® and the PSI personality test are known in German-speaking areas. We want to make these tools available to in French-speaking regions and English-speaking companies.


Our Offers

We impart our knowledge and our methods in courses, coaching and talks.


In our ZRM® courses we use a variety of methods, combining creative exchange in small groups, short and easy presentations and individual work.



Learn more about ZRM!

Would you like to know more about us, ZRM® and our public offers? – Contact us:



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